Saturday, October 17, 2009

So she's a motivational speaker now?

I recently read that supermodel Stacey Williams eventually decided that modelling was kinda soulless. As a result, she chose to decline offers unless they were ludicruously lucrative. Thanks to her successful career and outstanding looks, she could afford to pick and choose with regard to her assignments.

More recently, I found a website which lists her as a motivational speaker. I'm not sure what that means though, since it doesn't say anything about the kind of speaking that she would do. I do know that she once hosted one of the Sports Illustrated specials and did a darned good job, so I suspect that she's effective at this.

Heck, is she even still doing this? The speaking, I mean. You just never know how up-to-date this information is. It could be years out-of-date. Just sayin'.