Friday, March 28, 2008


Look around you, right now, wherever you are. Maybe a schoolroom or a library, maybe at home, maybe somewhere else. Take a good long look. Now as yourself, "How can this room be improved?" Are there one or two changes that you can make right now that would markedly improve the space? Why not make them? New lamps, new colors on the walls? Murals? Opening the windows, changing the seating?

Anything is fair game. There are questions and possibilities every time you turn around. You're biking home, maybe? OK, that uncomfortable little bike-helmet strap under your chin--there as got to be a better way. Figure it out. The bumper stickers on passing cars: could bikes have them too? (Where would they go? What shape would they have?) On a larger scale, how can your city be made more bikeable? (Dedicated bike trails, distinct from roads? Bike hours, when cars aren't allowed? What else?)

- Anthony West, Creativity for Critical Thinkers