Saturday, March 29, 2008

A FANUC employee trying to cheat his employer

I remember taken a training class in the KAREL robot programming language at FANUC Robotics. One of the other people in that class was a guy named Greg, who I knew from my grad school days. Even back in grad school, he often rubbed me the wrong way. He was coarse, vulgar, and always kinda rude.

Anyway, the class consisted mostly of visitors to the company who had paid for the class. Greg was one of the few exceptions. He was taking the class as part of his initiation as a new employee.

So anyway, the paying visitors were given free lunches -- or rather, lunch was part of what they had paid for. So what did Greg do? Every day, he would surreptiously remove his employee badge and pass himself off as a visitor.

I didn't like him back in our student days, and I especially didn't like him after that.